Friday, January 18, 2013


So me and Jason have been spending lots and lots and LOTS of time! researching honeymoons! We had certain stipulations... WARM, intimate, beautiful, and all inclusive!

So we have heard great things from the Dominican Republic. So we found a beautiful resort called Majestic Colonial in Punta Cana.

Isn't it beautiful?

Its all inclusive, we have a beautiful room, with a jetted whirlpool tub, its going to be so relaxing! We are going to go deep sea fishing! (I can't wait!) and I told Jason that we HAVE to go to the spa!  =)
Really looking forward to it? And looking forward to SHOPPING for it! Hello Sundresses!! =)

Now with that said, we are now 98 days away, so I think its time to bust into wedding season mode since I have been so lax!  So Gym here I come! Jason is committed to helping me with this (not that he has a choice!)

So hopefully the day I walk down the aisle I am just so confident and radiating that to everyone!

To a great year and a great beginning of a beautiful life with the man of my dreams! =)

Invites DONE!!

So we got our invites in! And I am not sure how I did it but I talked my mom and best friend Colleen in to helping me address them!  ( I think they like me =) ) So my mom addressed ALL of them in a few short hours. Colleen helped me package them.

This was a lot of work! I had no idea how much etiquette was involved in all of this! I did a lot of research and this is what I came up with! So I hope its right and no one gets offended!

Then we went to the post office and weighed our invites.. and of course they weigh too much! So instead of getting the 45 cent stamp we had to get the 65 cent stamp... we walked out of the post office with $154 less! =(  Oh well it will SO be worth it!

So last night me and Jason spend the evening putting stamps on all the envelopes and all the response cards! And numbering all the response cards (thanks to pinterest!)

This was a lot of work as well, you have to figure out what goes in the envelope, in what order, and facing what way! So again hopefully its right!!

We had special return address labels made up, and of course they aren't ready but thats the last thing we're waiting on! So as soon as they get in, you guys will be getting them!! YA!!

Aren't they perfect! =)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wedding party complete!

So Jason really couldn't figure out who he wanted to be the fourth guy standing next to him. Then in April of last year, a new friend came into our lives. Andrew started working at the jail with us, and him and Jason have been inseparable. Andrew has a beautiful wife and a little tiny baby on the way. They are perfect and such a great addition to us! So Jason FINALLY asked him and he SAID YES! very exciting moment!
such a good day.

So now our wedding party is complete! 

We have now gotten our invitations! So be looking for those in the mail soon (we have to address them first)

We got our style of tuxes picked out. Let me say that Jason and I don't have the same taste when it comes to tuxes. But hey, he didn't help me pick out my dress so therefore I let him chose his tux (minus the white tux! =))

We registered yesterday at Target!

So we are done with registers now. We got Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target! We had A LOT of fun doing this! Target they just leave you alone! =) We scanned so much stuff that the battery died on the scanner!

We went and started looking at wedding bands! I think I found the one I want!

THENNNNNN!!! Its getting so close that my bridal shower is almost coming up!! =) And my sister (in-law) MADE these beautiful invitations for me =)

Aren't they perfect?! I'm so excited! I feel so special already! 

Things are moving right along! (Finally!) We got flowers picked out!

Today we are going with our florist to the Lerner to see what she can do. We are starting to work on centerpieces and wedding favors!

Things seem to be moving in the right direction! We have been having a lot of fun doing all this! Can't wait to see what the final product is!

Thank you to everyone helping with everything! I'M SO EXCITED!!